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August 22, 2006

Next Meeting: September 18

The next EFUG meeting will be held on Monday, September 18 at 7pm. As usual it will be held at Guru Digital Arts College (address and map available to the left ), and will feature refreshments, networking, discussions, shwag, and a couple of great talks from some local Flash talent.

Our first talk will be presented by Randy Troppman:

Demonstration of RUNNINGMAP.com and YAHOO! Maps.
The world of map mashups and geo-encoded content is exploding. Google provides an easy to use API for incorporating an interactive map on a website, but it is AJAX based and difficult to customize if you are use to the Flash world of development. To the rescue comes Yahoo! Maps which provides both AJAX and Flash based APIs. RUNNINGMAP.com is an example of a Yahoo! Map Flash based mashup and has been lauded by the Yahoo! Map Team themselves.

In this demo Randy will:
- show iterations of the applications
- demonstrate how to use the Yahoo! Maps component
- give a brief code tour of RUNNINGMAP.com

This will be followed by open networking and discussion time, then Erik Johnson will take the stage to present:

Competitive game programming, development sprints, and flash.
Erik will be talking about his experience participating in online game development competitions. He will cover what the process involves, and how it is possible to create a game in a weekend. Erik will also share his thoughts on why Flash is such a great technology for this application, and what could be improved.

I hope to see you there!

Posted by Grant at August 22, 2006 02:28 PM


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